Design for Conscious Living - Fall Garden Checklist - Annual Flowers - Zinnias


As the cooler fall weather creeps upon us, it’s time again to head outside to ready your garden for the arrival of another winter. And why not? Autumn is a great time to plant both shrubs and trees as well as to remove any dying annual flowers like marigolds, zinnias or cornflowers.  It is also a great time to prepare your lawn for healthy renewal next spring.

Here is a helpful monthly checklist of tasks for your fall garden cleanup prep for the cold season to come.

Tasks for September

  • Pull out the weeds before they go to seed. It will reduce the weeds in next year’s garden.
  • Inspect household plants for any pests and begin moving them indoors.
  • Bring in clay pots you have outside.
  • Plant new shrubs and trees. It gives them time to become established before the first frost, which is about six weeks away.
  • Collect herbs and seed for drying.
  • Plant spring-flowering bulbs.
  • Clean out bird feeders
  • Clean up garden tools
  • Water shrubs or trees until the ground freezes.
  • Add manure or compost to your garden beds.
  • Fertilize the lawn.
  • Protect any water features in your garden by adding netting to collect any falling leaves.

Design for Conscious Living - Fall Garden Checklist - Rake and Leaves


Tasks for October

  • Dig up any tender bulbs like gladiolas, cannas, and dahlias. Make sure to have them wrapped up in moist material and stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Rake and compost leaves.
  • Remove fallen fruit or vegetable plants and clean up excess garden debris.
  • Remove dead annuals from the garden after a frost.
  • Get your most commonly used garden tools ready for next spring by sharpening pruners and lawn mower blades.
  • Discourage rodents from making winter nests by trimming tall grasses away from trees and corners of your home.
  • Discard diseased perennials. Do not compost.
  • Uproot and transplant young trees or shrubs to new locations.
  • Continue to water your trees and shrubs until the ground freezes.

Design for Conscious Living - Fall Garden Checklist - Frost on Roses


Tasks for November

  • Fertilize your lawn.
  • Drain your garden hoses and turn off any outside water connections.
  • Buy bulbs to force for the winter.
  • Clean up any leaves that may have fallen in gutters or downspouts.
  • To protect your fruit trees from small animals, wrap screening around the trunks.
  • Mulch any rose bushes.
  • Continue Watering trees and shrubs until the ground freezes.

Design for Conscious Living - Fall Garden Checklist - Amaryllis


Tasks for December

  • Start paperwhites and amaryllis for winter blooms.

Check with us once a month between March and October for tips on how to care for your garden.

Design for Conscious Living® is a full-service interior and exterior design company. We can help you with everything from decorative flowerpots to the design and installation of your dream garden.